I recently picked up a photography background from ebay, I was a bit worried about buying a photography background off of ebay specially since it was coming from China. I am glad I took the gamble. The background is made out of vinyl and it's pretty thick, It's a solid sheet so there's no holes to hang it. I am pretty sure the craft store as some metal hole punch that you can get to hang it up without risking tearing the backdrop. The quality of the picture is not bad it's a bit fuzzy up close but take a few steps back and it looks awesome. I picked the backdrop up for $34.99 + $9.00 shipping. There's over 60 different backdrops to pick from.
Here's a photo I took with my Iphone 4s of my brick photography background. It looks better the phone don't do much justice. If your interested in finding out where you can pick up some of these backdrops comment below or send me a message